Masculine ruling and Feminine ruling are two opposite governing laws that, in the long run, lead to either a suppressed and dejected nation or an insurgent and rebellious nation, regardless of whether the rule was malevolent or benevolent.
Devas insisted on a feminine way of governing their followers. They allowed rules to be amended and laws to be violated once in a while, considering the good it does in the long run. On the other hand, Asuras were very strict and did not allow their laws to be violated, even if they harmed their followers; because they believed in Ekam - the supreme law.
Democracy is a feminine way of ruling. Sudden liberty in India immediately after the harsh and masculine British rule lead to anarchy and hence resulted in the liberation of the rebellious country Pakistan, which has given birth to even more rebellious government.. the Terrorism. Conversely, extremely masculine ruling and malevolent dictatorship in terrorism are leading itself to collapse, as it has forsaken the very first reason to create the government - to protect the followers.
In simple words, making a government is like holding a bird in hand while protecting it.
The more tightly you hold the bird, the more it gets hurt; but you have the supreme control. And you will make a supreme force that secures the bird, though at a cost of some of its blood. This is a dictatorship - the masculine ruling.
The more loosely you hold it, the higher the chances it will fly away because you gave it too much freedom. You desired the long-run well-being of the bird, so you gave it more freedom and it wanted more and more, to such an extent that it obviated your control. This is anarchy in democracy - the feminine ruling.
Overall, in the long run, neither of them will do good to the bird.
"A good rule is something that provides freedom and takes charge."
A constant change in the system of the ruling will be a suitable solution that implements a masculine and more rigid way of ruling until you have more control and switch to feminine and more liberal way of ruling when intolerance becomes overwhelming and again switch back to masculine ruling when the rebellion is outstanding. After all the whole universe runs in a cycle.